Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery (JSHBPS)
Observership to Japan Program for 2026
*This grant will be given in cash in Japan, converted from USD to JPY at the exchange rate at that time.
The criteria for entry are as follows:
- Candidates should be a member of either the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (A-PHPBA) or the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (HPBA) of his or her home country. (A junior member of the A-PHPBA or HPBA may also apply.)
It is essential to submit a recommendation letter written by the president of Association/Chapter to which candidates belong.
- Candidates should be under 40 years of age.
- It is desirable that candidates have submitted papers to the Journal of Hepato-Bilially-Pancreatic Sciences (JHBPS) either as a first author or a co-author.
- It is desirable if a mentor from the facility in which the candidate is currently affiliated knows a mentor from the facility (a professor, etc.) at which the candidate wishes to study in Japan.
- Selected candidates agree with the purpose of this Program above. To improve and develop the general academic research and knowledge on the hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery, selected candidates will cultivate the mind of academic research in the host facility. In this regard, it is not allowed to visit and observe the other facility rather than the host facility.
- Selected candidates agree to the term of the program; the duration is less than 90 days (you can select it between 30 and 90 days), which is within the period of validity of a short-term visa (Selected candidates should attend the annual JSHBPS meeting during this program).
- Selected candidates should submit an abstract to the annual meeting of JSHBPS after receiving a letter of acceptance from the Society. The deadline for submission of abstract for each meeting is normally the end of December; the meetings are held in June of each year.
- Selected candidates should attend the annual JSHBPS meeting during this program.
- The grant 3,000USD* will be given to the selected candidates in Japan. In addition to what precedes, free registration for the annual JSHBPS meeting and a one-night accommodation near the venue will be provided. (JSHBPS and the host facilities will not cover any other things rather than the grant during his/her stay in Japan.)
*This grant will be given in cash in Japan, converted from USD to JPY at the exchange rate at that time.
- Selected candidates will be responsible for the expenses related to his/her own health impairments, damages caused to others’ lives and property during his/her stay in Japan. In this regard, it is essential to procure a medical insurance/life insurance/personal liability insurance either of his/her home country or Japan. The selected candidates shall have to send a copy of certifications he/she receives from the insurers within one week after the commencement of his/her training in Japan to the Secretariat of JSHBPS.
- If damages to housing facilities are revealed while the selected candidate is in Japan, he/she shall have to pay all the repair costs to the facility before returning to his/her home country. In case he/she fails to complete the repair payments and return to his/her home country, the Society will stop accepting doctors from his/her country under this program, and the president of the association/chapter that wrote the recommendation letter may be held responsible for that.
- Selected candidates should write and submit a report entitled “Observership to Japan: what I experienced in Japan and what I will practice in my country” after finishing the observership program. The report will be published in the newsletter of Journal of HBP Sciences (JHBPS).
- Selected candidates will pursue the observership program at a facility where directors of the Society are affiliated. The list of facility is below.
List of Visiting Facilities in Japan
Name | Visiting Facility |
Masayuki Otsuka | Chiba University |
Susumu Eguchi | Nagasaki University |
Toshiki Rikiyama | Jichi Medical University, Saitama |
Hiroaki Nagano | Yamaguchi University |
Masafumi Nakamura | Kyushu University |
Masayuki Sho | Gunma University |
Etsuro Hatano | Kyoto University |
Akinobu Taketomi | Hokkaido University |
Tomoki Ebata | Nagoya University |
Sohei Satoi | Kansai Medical University |
Tsutomu Fujii | Toyama University |
Hidetoshi Eguchi | Osaka University |
Osamu Itano | International University of Health and Welfare, Chiba |
Keiichi Okano | Kagawa University |
Akio Saiura | Juntendo University |
Shigeru Marubashi | Fukushima Medical University |
Yuichi Nagakawa | Tokyo Medical University |
Kiyoshi Hasegawa | Tokyo University |
Yuji Soejima | Shinshu University |
Takao Ohtsuka | Kagoshima University |
※Selected candidates may have to pay “Training fee” depending on the facility in where he/she pursues the Program. In that case, he/she can cover the fee from the grant.
To apply for the Observership to Japan Program 2026
Please send the items below to the secretariat of JSHBPS (info@jshbps.jp) via email by Friday, May 9, 2025.
- The application (You can download the designated application from here.)
- CV
- A recommendation letter with a signature from a mentor/supervisor of department you affiliated with in your home country.
- A recommendation letter with a signature written from the president of either the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (A-PHPBA) or the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (HPBA) of your home country.
- A document of identification (Any proof of your age)
- The title page of papers submitted to JHBPS (if applicable)
Please note:
The JSHBPS secretariat will announce successful candidates in a letter to each applicant by the end of September 2025. The institution of choice where selected candidates will pursue the program will be announced by the end of November 2025.
Before the final decision on selection, there might be an online interview with the director of the facility where the candidate wish to pursue the Program in Japan.